Friday, December 18, 2009
ATTENTION- Contact your school board & state senators
Brookfield, WI 53008-0086
Dear School Board Member:
Eagle Forum of Wisconsin would like to bring to your attention proposed legislation concerning Human Growth and Development Curriculum which will negatively impact local control of school boards and place students unknowingly at risk of sexual predator laws. A link to SB324/AB458 (Healthy Youth Act), which was passed by the Assembly, is listed below and may be placed before the Wisconsin Senate as late as mid January when the legislative session resumes, or as early as a December 16th special session.
Ø Assembly Bill 458 (Full Text) -
Ø Assembly Bill 458 (Bill History) -
Please review this letter by Representative Brett Davis confirming the dangers of SB324/AB458.
Letter from Representative Brett Davis opposing SB342/AB458:
Thank you for contacting my office regarding Assembly Bill (AB) 458, tagged the "Healthy Youth Act" by its supporters. I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.
I share your concerns and did vote against this bill in the Assembly Education Committee.... I also voted no on passage of the bill on the floor of the State Assembly. Unfortunately, despite our bipartisan opposition, AB 458 was passed by the State Assembly on November 5th.
I believe there is no problem with current law regarding the development of sexual education curriculum in schools. Under current law, if a school district wishes to teach human growth and development classes they must create a community advisory committee comprised of parents, teachers, school administrators, pupils, health care professionals, members of the clergy, and other residents of the school district. This advisory panel assists the school district with the development of curriculum for sexual education.
However, AB 458 would negate the curriculum that school districts across the state have put considerable time and effort into developing, including abstinence-based curriculum. Instead, AB 458 would strip away local control and replace it with mandated curriculum from the bill. I feel this is wrong and believe local communities, not Madison, should decide what they feel is best suited for their local school districts.
Along with Representative Leah Vukmir, I did offer an amendment on the floor of the Assembly, but it was voted down. The amendment would have returned control of the curriculum back to local school districts ....
Brett Davis
State Representative
80th Assembly District
Following are common sense amendments to SB324/AB458, which failed to pass in the Assembly:
· Amendment 4 - has been tabled (defeated)
This amendment would have allowed for single-sex instruction.
Final Vote: Ayes-52, Nays-41 Not Voting-6
(Defeating this amendment will place young students in our state in a very embarrassing situation in the classroom.)
· Amendment 5 - has been tabled (defeated).
This amendment would have restored instruction on Marriage and Parental Responsibility back into the curriculum.
Final Vote: Ayes-50, Nays-43, Not Voting - 6
· Amendment 6 - has been tabled (defeated).
This amendment would have required kids at an age-appropriate level to receive instruction on Wisconsin's sexual assault laws and Sex Offender Registry.
Final Vote: Ayes - 51, Nays-40, Not Voting - 8
Background Info:
§948.02(2), Wis. Stats., states that it is a Class C Felony for anyone to have sexual contact or engage in sexual intercourse with a person less than 16 years of age. The penalty for this offense is “A fine of up to $100,000 or imprisonment up to 40 years or both.” {Source: Legislative Reference Bureau} To access Wisconsin’s State Statutes, see
For many crimes, 17-year-olds are charged as adults under Wisconsin law.
· Amendment 8 - has been tabled (defeated).
This amendment would have required the presentation of fetal development information. "Instruction under this subdivision shall include showing a videotape recording or digital recording of a human fetus captured using ultrasound imaging technology during each trimester of a woman's pregnancy."
Final Vote: Ayes - 51, Nays - 42, Not Voting - 6
Eagle Forum of Wisconsin is urging concerned school board members and parents to contact their state senators to oppose SB324/AB458 by calling the legislative hotline at 1-800-362-9472. If you wish to receive an outline of specific changes in Wisconsin statues created by SB324/AB458, or would like to help in our efforts to defeat this bill, please contact us at
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Contact congress requesting an investigation into the SPP.
Re: SPP - The Security and Prosperity Partnership
Dear Congressman:
Enclosed please find copies of documents downloaded from the government website: showing organizational charts of the SPP, the Security, Prosperity Partnership of North America. Also enclosed are the names of “working group” chairs and contact lists related to the agenda of the SPP.
The SPP website refers to more than 30 trilateral “memoranda of understanding” in the ”2005 Report to the Leaders” substantiating that more than dialogue is taking place. The report also shows the creation of the “trusted traveler” program for North America using biometrics which would essentially erase our borders. This may explain the current administration’s reluctance to build a fence to secure our borders and instead promote amnesty.
The SPP was first referenced in a press release following the 5/23/05 meeting of Presidents Bush, Fox and Prime Minister Martin in Waco, Texas. The leaders met again in Cancun, Mexico on the first anniversary of the SPP and announced the formation of the NACC, North American Competitive Council. The press release maintains that central regulatory agencies of the three nations will complete a trilateral regulatory framework by the year 2007. The NACC consists of 10 high level business leaders from each of the three nations indicating that private business and government officials are rewriting trade laws without congressional oversight or public knowledge.
By what authority have the SPP and NACC been created? The Mexican government website refers to the SPP as an alliance; what is the formal status of the SPP?
The NACC appears to be organizing itself after the European Common Market, the frontrunner to the European Union. (ministers, secretariat, etc.)
Please refer to the CFR, Council of Foreign Relations, website for a 59 page report entitled, “Building a North American Community” by Robert Pastor, Director of the Center for North American Studies at American University. Mr. Pastor is also known for orchestrating the Panama Canal giveaway in the Carter administration and has authored the book entitled, “Toward a North American Community” (a book calling for a North American Union as regional government with a common currency called the Amero.) According to documents, Mr. Pastor was an active participant in the Banff, Alberta, Canada NACC meeting held on 9/12-14, 2006. Enclosed is the attendance list which includes high level government officials and business leaders; however, it was closed to the media and public.
Where tax dollars used to fund any part of this meeting? Where is the work product published?
According to a 9/20/06 WND news article, CEO’s involved with the NACC include Michael Haverty, Chairman of Kansas City Southern RR, along with officials from Walmart, GM, GE, Campbell Soup, Chevron, Merck, Ford, Fed-Ex, UPS, NY Life, Lockheed Martin, and Whirlpool.
A Kansas City SmartPort brochure stated, “Kansas City offers the opportunity for sealed cargo containers to travel to Mexican port cities with virtual no border delays.” Enclosed is a NASCO, North American SuperCorridor Coalition, map showing inland ports including Kansas City. The map also shows the Trans-Texas Corridor which obviously was not designed to alleviate traffic congestion, as its entry port is Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, a city known for drug wars. Many people refer to this route as the Nafta Superhighway beginning in the Mexican city of Lazaro Cardinas, a deep water port under construction by the Chinese company, Hutchison Whampoa ,and eventually continuing through Duluth, MN into Canada. It is a trade route to bring cheap Chinese products by either Mexican trucks or Mexican rail lines (recently purchased by Kansas City Southern) to inland ports of the United States bypassing American workers.
The Trans-Texas Corridor is designed to run parallel to Highway 35 and will be about four football fields wide to accommodate multiple rail lines, commercial truck lanes, passenger lanes, pipelines for oil, water, gas, and communication cables. Mexican trucks will be allowed to enter “fast lanes”, electronically checked by the new “Sentri” system at the border, and have a first customs inspection as far north as Kansas City. The TTC is a limited access toll way being built by the Spanish firm, CINTRA, which reportedly will hold a 50 year lease. CINTRA already holds leases on other US toll roads.
The SPP claims its purpose is to coordinate border security, health policy, economic and trade policy, and energy policy among Mexico, the United States and Canada. However, rewriting regulations to import cheap Chinese products, and erasing our borders to use low cost Mexican workers can only harm our nations security and prosperity.
We are urging an investigation into the actions of the SPP which have circumvented congressional approval and oversight.
Dottie Feder
President Eagle Forum of Wisconsin
(view more links on the home site)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Opposition to Assembly Bill 492
Chairman of the Assembly Public Health Committee:
Members of the Assembly Public Health Committee:
Legislators of the State of
Fellow citizens of
1. AB 492 would require every single school- public, private, and charter, to promote a vaccine manufactured by a single company, Merck. When and how did it become the responsibility of ordinary taxpayers to help one private company? Would this expand to taxpayers paying another drug company for promoting their drug, or another manufacturer to promote their car seat for kids, or their bicycle, because it was mandated by the Wisconsin Legislature? Since Merck has a record of marketing unsafe drugs, which resulted in those drugs being taken off the market, it is even more important that we residents of
2. Gardasil, the Merck drug that AB 492 would require every school and all parents of Junior High and High School age students to be informed about, has not even been proven to be safe. It was “approved” by the Food and Drug Administration in June, 2006 for females aged 9 to 26 after only a six month review. In the clinical trials, there were 25,000 subjects. Gardasil is not effective in persons with HPV so sexually inactive girls are the ideal immunization population. Unfortunately for them, 1184 young girls were used in the clinical trials. However, with 1184, or only 5% of the 25,000 people in the trials , being sexually inactive girls, it is clear that that Gardasil is really an untested product for 11 and 12 year old girls. What about adverse reactions to those who have already gotten this vaccine? Now only a year and three months after the FDA’s approval, the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System has already received 2,207 reports of adverse side effects following HPV vaccination. 2125 of those reports came in since February of 2007. This shows that the adverse effects do not always show up immediately after the vaccination, certainly not after only six months! These reports include: 31 were considered life threatening; 1,385 required emergency room visits; 451 females at the time of the report had not recovered; 51 females were disabled when the report was filed; 5 girls died, ages 12, 15, 19 and two of unknown age. According to the Judicial Watch website, one female patient died of a blood clot three hours after getting the Gardasil vaccine. One 12 year old girl and one 19 year old girl died from heart problems and/or blood clotting after being vaccinated. To their credit, Merck and Co has published the side effects. They warn about potential pain, fever, nausea, dizziness, and itching, some of which are typical side effects to any vaccination. Other more serious side effects that Merck has published are: paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and seizures. These are short term reports! What will the reports be 5, 10, 15 years from now? The drug Gardasil is being promoted as being effective against cervical cancer, yet that disease does not develop until later in life - usually by age 50. There is absolutely no proof that girls immunized at ages 11& 12 will even “hold” their immunity that long! A Gardasil vaccination now may be worthless 20 years from now or it may have caused more serious, damaging side effects. Traditionally, the only vaccines that are mandated are drugs that have been in use for years!
3. Taxpayers could end up paying for hundreds of future medical lawsuits and wrongful death lawsuits due to this drug, if the information is coming from our own state government and local schools. Why wouldn’t Merck and Co. be the recipient of these lawsuits? Because they have immunity from them! When the U.S. Centers for Disease Control recommended after insufficient studies and long time use, that girls aged 11 & 12 receive Gardasil, Merck received immunity from lawsuits under a federal program called VACCINE INJURY COMPENSATION PROGRAM, which is a public-paid insurance program. This means that Merck is legally blameless if children are injured by mandatory Gardasil vaccines and it means that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has to compensate them. Taxpayer money should not be used to compensate people for a drug known to have adverse reactions and that does not treat what it claims to treat.
4. I oppose this bill because of the cost to the taxpayers of
5. How effective is the drug Gardasil against HPV? This drug is effective against only four of the 100 known strains of these viruses. These four strains are responsible for only 60% to 70% of all cervical cancers. There is another, 100% effective prevention for cervical cancer and that is abstinence – abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage with one uninfected partner. HPV is a result of unrestricted sexual activity. To suggest that 11 and 12 year old girls be vaccinated for a disease that is caused by sexual activity, is to assume that they are going to be sexually active. Such an assumption may be true for some girls, but most certainly not all girls. Children live up to what you expect of them most of the time. If you teach and expect abstinence, most will be abstinent. If you expect promiscuity, they probably will be promiscuous. We should be teaching abstinence, and there are funds available for that. However, Gov. Doyle has directed the Department of Health and Family Services to turn down $600,000 in Title V Federal funds because of restrictions on what they could teach when using these funds.
6. I oppose this bill because the real goal of AB 492 is to prepare the way for mandating the vaccine for all girls going into sixth grade in this state. That was the bill brought in February, 2007, which failed due to a strong public backlash to such extreme measures. Senator Taylor and Representative Grigsby have said that they would like to see the HPV vaccination mandatory and are not done with this agenda yet. This bill is a stepping stone to mandating an unsafe drug to young girls whom it won’t help and will probably harm.
7. I oppose this bill because it is neither the state government’s responsibility, nor right, nor duty to decide what is best for the children, including the young girls that live in this state. Our young girls do not belong to the Federal government; they do not belong to the state government; they do not belong to the school districts. They are wonderful human beings, placed in families that are responsible to bring them up to adulthood. The families that I know love their children unconditionally; they want what is best for them; they do not want to see them harmed in any way; they want to see them grow up to being responsible, mature adults. Maybe the families you know are not like that. Maybe the families are broken and your neighborhood is in ruins. Maybe in your part of the state people are living in unsafe, unfriendly environments. If so, then make their world safer, not more dangerous by advocating, and eventually mandating the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Make their world safer by teaching and expecting abstinence. In the school district where I reside, the schools have taken driver’s education out of their curriculum, and the parents are solely responsible. That is what we need to do in regards to so-called education about sexually transmitted diseases. Keep the parents responsible for their job. The government needs to stop mandating everything that is done in our schools. Stay out of families’ daily lives. Please, leave our precious children alone.
In summary, I oppose AB 492/SB252 for these reasons: taxpayers should not have to pay for advertising for one specific company, or for telling people about an unsafe drug, or for funding lawsuits which the government is sure to incur. The drug being pushed is not safe, the clinical trials were totally flawed and too short, and it is only effective against some of the viruses that cause cervical cancer. AB492 would be a stepping stone to force all girls going into sixth grade to get this vaccine. That would be too much government interference in our schools and in our families.
I have a copy of my remarks, and some supporting information, for the members of the committee bringing this bill. Thank you for the opportunity to speak and thank you for listening.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Say NO to "Healthy Wisconsin" state health care plan
Subject: NO to "Healthy Wisconsin" state health care plan.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Immigration Sellout, Not Reform
by Phyllis Schlafly | May 30, 2007 | |
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